


In compliance with the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals (the “Law”) in force in Mexico, we inform you the terms and conditions of the Privacy Notice of Personal Data (“Privacy Notice”) of MOSAICOS VENECIANOS DE MÉXICO S.A. DE C.V. (hereinafter “La Empresa”) with address at Carretera Federal Cuernavaca Cuautla km 3.5, Col. Bugambilias C.P. 62577. Jiutepec, Morelos. Mexico., as well as its Subsidiary Companies and/or its Business Units.

MosaicGoø is a trademark of MOSAICOS VENECIANOS DE MÉXICO S.A. DE C.V.

Access to and navigation on this Website is permitted only if the following terms and conditions are accepted; therefore the Website should not be used or visited if such conditions are not supported. It is considered that the use of the Web presupposes the acceptance of the conditions. 1-. This website and all the information it contains, including names, images, photographs, reproductions, logos and trademarks, are the property of “The Company” and therefore is protected by current legislation regarding unfair competition. All products, images, reproductions, logos and trademarks are the property of “The Company”. No other subject is authorized or entitled to avail himself of such property. The content of this Website may not be construed as authorizing or licensing the use of MosaicGoǐproducts, designs, logos or logos. “The Company” shall sue for any infringement committed on the basis of its trademark, patent* and existing legislation on unfair competition.

2-. This website may include publications with inaccurate specifications or with typographical errors, which will be corrected by “The Company” as soon as possible. The data contained on the website may be incorrect as the website is reviewed periodically. Users are invited to contact the parent office directly for any updates or modifications that may be required.


Cuernavaca-Cuautla Federal Highway km 3.5, Col. Bugambilias C.P. 62577. Jiutepec, Mor. Mexico | Phones. (52 + 777) 329.66.40 / 320.21.60


Purpose of data collection. The personal data provided voluntarily that we collect are intended solely for the following purposes: (a) Identification purposes, (b) Statistical and internal analysis purposes, (c) Information purposes (d) Information to customers and consumers, (e) Provide you with the information, services and products you have requested, inform you about changes in them and evaluate the quality of the service we provide and/or, (f) For telephone contact, e-mail, regular mail and/or any other means in connection with the above purposes. In the collection and processing of personal data that you provide us, we comply with all the principles set forth in the Law (Article 6): Legality, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility.

Processing of the data. The information collected, except for its opposition expressed in the electronic address, may be shared with one or more third-party service providers selected to manage and manage both the internet portals of “The Company” and/or other computer and electronic media services and/or marketing and/or statistics, so personal data may be transferred to such a third party(s) not for profit, solely to perform the provision of services contracted or contracted. Similarly, “The Company” may, not for profit, share or transmit your personal data with its subsidiaries for the same purposes set out in the preceding paragraph. Under no circumstances will we market, sell or rent personal information about you to a third party without your prior consent. In the event that your data is transferred to third parties that provide services to The Company or subsidiaries, the processing of these will be in the terms mentioned in this Privacy Notice. If you do not object to the transfer of your data, it will be understood that you have given your consent to their use in a discretionary manner. The personal data that you provide to “The Company” may be compiled and fixed in a database owned by “The Company” or the provider that provides services to you computing. The protection of the privacy of the personal data of minors, disabled persons and persons in a state of prohibition is especially important for “The Company”; for this reason, when we have knowledge of personal data of minors, in a state of prohibition or with some disability of those contemplated in terms of Mexican law, its treatment will be carried out in compliance with the guidelines and requirements established in the Law. In any case, “The Company” does not assume any responsibility for the lack of truthfulness and updating of the information provided. It also reserves the right to delete or destroy information that may be stored in its files, without prior notice.

Security measures. To prevent unauthorized access to your personal data and in order to ensure that the information is used for the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice, we have established physical and electronic locks, and network equipment with security technology to ensure the integrity of that information.

ARCO rights. You have at all times the right to access, rectify, cancel or object to the treatment we give to your personal data (Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data), as well as to limit the use and disclosure thereof; right that you can enforce by sending your request directly to the Data Privacy area of “The Company” by mail electronic: Such request shall contain at least: (a) Name and address or other means of communicating the response to your request; (b) documents certifying identity or, where appropriate, legal representation; (c) a clear and precise description of the personal data in respect of which any of the ARCO Rights is requested; and (d) Any other element facilitating the location of personal data.


Modifications to the Privacy Notice. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Notice at any time. In case of any change, it will communicate by publishing a visible note on our website or any other that replaces it; For your safety, check, at any time you wish, the contents of this Privacy Notice by sending a request to our email account Also, through this channel you will be able to update your data and specify the means by which you want to receive information, since in case you do not have this specification from you, “The Company” will establish the channel that it considers relevant to send you information.

Applicable rules and regulations. “The Company” is located in Mexico and all matters relating to Data Privacy as well as the Internet Portal are governed by the laws of Mexico. If you are located in any other country than Mexico and you contact us, please note that any information you provide to us will be transferred to Mexico, and at the time of entering your information you authorize this transfer and the acceptance of this Privacy Notice and its submission to Mexican laws. This Privacy Notice is subject to applicable law in the Mexican Republic and complies with the requirements of the Law (Articles 15 and 16). Date of issue: 11/09/2013 ABOUT THE USE OF “COOKIES”

The warning is made that “The Company” can use in its electronic portals “cookies” to confirm your identification, customize your access in the electronic portals and review their use, with the sole purpose of improving your navigation and their conditions of functionality, since the aforementioned “cookies” do not collect personal data from users in terms of the Law. The Portal of “The Company” has links to other external sites, of which the content and privacy policies are not the responsibility of “The Company”, so the user, if applicable, will be subject to the privacy policies of those other sites, without any liability for “The Company”. “Cookies” are small text files sent and stored on users’ computers that allow the website to recognize repeat users, facilitate access to the website and allow the collection of information to improve content. The “cookies” used by “The Company” do not provide personal data of users, nor can they be associated with a person. If the user does not want the “cookies” to be accessible on this website, he can disable the installation of “cookies” from his computer through the personal settings of his browser. For more information, see your browser’s help.

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